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Parish News

Important Changes

Coming into effect from Monday 14 September 2024.

  • Fr Petroc's day off  will be on a Tuesday, therefore there will be no Mass or Adoration on Tuesdays.

  • Coral's day off will be on a Friday therefore all newsletter entries need to be in by Wednesday at the latest.

  • Thursday Adoration will be at 6.00pm followed by Mass at 6.30pm.

  • 4.00 to 5.00pm Saturday during confession, there will be Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 

  • There will be no adoration on Sunday.

Sacred Heart Repository
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We now have a few repository items for sale; currently we have rosaries, bracelets and Mass cards, Confirmation and First Holy Communion cards.  Depending on the support we receive, this will grow into something a bit bigger! Please contact Coral at the Parish Office if you would like to see more. 01392 642389


You should soon receive an individual statement of how much you gave to Sacred Heart parish in the last financial year, so that you can check that you have paid enough tax to cover the gift aid amount that the parish will claim.  This statement will go to the address that is currently held by the gift aid organiser.  If you are expecting a letter but do not receive one please contact Anne at  or the parish office. 

If you don’t already Gift Aid,  please consider whether you could increase the value of your donations by signing up for Gift Aid - The parish can claim 25% of any donation you make if you sign a Gift Aid declaration form as long as you are a UK tax payer [you do not have to be British]. 

Coat Rails Needed!

Our Vintage and Table Top sale will be held on 26 October 2025 in then lower room.  We are looking for Coat Rails to borrow,.  If you are able to assist please contact Coral in the office.

Your Parish Needs You!

Fr Petroc has put up a display at the back of the church for volunteers.  Please can you consider helping. It is  wonderful to be met by a smiling face on entering the church. To be able to proclaim the Word of the Lord is an honour and a blessing. The Sacristan has a very important role to play in preparing the Altar for Mass. Our church building is always so beautiful and clean because of The Holy Dusters.  These are very important ministries and works.

If you are able to assist please contact Coral  on the office number, or speak to her personally.

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Are you looking for First Holy Communion or Confirmation for your Children?

Our family Growing In Faith Together (GIFT) sessions are the gateway to the Sacraments. GIFT is a process which prepares you as a family to receive the Sacraments and deepen your relationship with Jesus. The GIFT sessions are a time when we can learn about our faith together as a family. The GIFT team is dedicated to sharing the importance of family worship and growth. If your family is not yet a part of these wonderful sessions, please contact Coral at the Sacred Heart parish office or visit the Sacred Heart Website to find out more and register your family.
GIFT 14 September
GIFT and GIFT Youth will meet on the 14 September at St Nicholas School Hall.  The doors will open at 09:45 and our session will end at 12:15.
We look forward to seeing you there. 
An extension of this is GIFT Tots, who meet at Blessed Sacrament on the 2nd Friday of the month and at Sacred Heart on the 4th Friday of the month. The session is run from 10:15 am to 11:15am. These sessions will start again at Blessed Sacrament on 13 September. Please register here

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

We are about to start our annual RCIA course on 2 October, initially meeting on Wednesday evening at 6.30pm in the Lower Room at Sacred Heart Parish. These sessions are aimed at those wanting to learn more, desiring to receive Baptism or Confirmation in the Catholic Church. If you are interested please send your details to Coral at 01392 642 389 or

If you would like to be part of the catechist team to join the Catechumen and Candidates on their journey, please let Coral know on the above contacts.

This event will be taking place in the Lower Room at Sacred Heart Parish.  Please come and support it.
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